It’s suffocating if there’s no pretty things to relieve the tension and uneasiness of the dark and cold atmosphere and long conversations within the film. Oh, it’s just suffocating....I think it's better just reading the original book. The ending is funny though. I don’t quite get the director. From the beginning, I’M THINKING OF ENDING THIS FILM.
好不容易等到《{#標題55}》蘇州點映。觀影時獲得了慰藉, 被小文和三哥的半路父女情感動到,被殯葬師這份職業深藏著維護死者體面的意義所打動!被一群普通的不能再普通,滿滿煙火氣的小人物們所吸引。嬉笑怒罵,市井人間,煙花燦爛,人間有情!!! 笑著笑著就哭了,哭著哭著又笑了…… 準備二刷三刷,朱一龍飾演的莫三妹讓我短暫的忘記了朱一龍本人,三哥的痞帥和野令人上頭。