Taking place almost entirely in Europe, Season 3 of Atlanta finds “Earn” (Donald Glover), “Alfred ‘Paper Boi’ Miles” (Brian Tyree Henry), “Darius” (LaKeith Stanfield) and “Van” (Zazie Beetz) in the midst of a successful European tour, as the group navigates their new surroundings as outsiders, and struggle to adjust to the newfound success they had aspired to. Donald Glover ser...
4.5? 全片沒有爆點 但是后勁卻足夠大 對于一個群體而言 那時一個絕對黑暗的時代 1945 1957 1968 最后 警車快點來啊 男主角長了一張充滿故事的臉 看到他就很難出戲 只想去閱讀他的故事