In Season 4, it’s 1960 and change is in the air. Looking to hone her act, Midge finds a gig with total creative freedom. But her commitment to her craft—and the places it takes her—creates a rift between her and the family and friends around her.
拼圖烤腸摩托車,老街巷口運動服,be careful what you wish for,“你把我落下了。”……廈門集美大學的景色真是懷念,但前半段很多莫名其妙低幼惡搞橋段真很難忍,深感是大爛片無疑,結尾卻硬是被兄妹情給煽到了,不容易。本片告訴我們,生兩個孩子的好處是,父母鬧離婚的時候可以互相照應一下,大人的世界真懶散自私無擔當啊