The plot introduces us to a psychologist who suggests to three couples that they engage in a group session, where they will have to analyse each other without her being present. In order to do so, she has left them a number of envelopes containing instructions on the things they have to address. The method she has proposed encourages everyone to share their opinions, argue with...
Copyright ? 2025 星辰影院電影網(wǎng)
不推薦《{#標題55}》(好片指數(shù)47分)。 “開心麻花”出品的并不都是好電影,但至少是有底線的。很多電影只是請來“開心麻花”簽約演員,但跟“開心麻花影業(yè)”是沒有任何關系的,比如《{#標題56}》、《{#標題57}》,還有這部《{#標題55}》。 作為一部電影,劇情是崩壞的;作為喜劇片,段子是不好笑的,都是些網(wǎng)絡上都拼西湊的爛梗;作為“開心麻花”班底,常遠和馬麗已成爛片探測器,單抗作品沒有一部拿得出手。 更氣人的是影片元旦檔上映,在沒有強勁對手的情況下,硬是累積了4.62億元的票房,暫列內地年度票房排行榜第15名。