A man named Salem escapes from an insane asylum where he was confined for an axe-murder. Falsely convicted under a plea of guilty due to insanity, he does not plan to let his sister and her husband forget that they were responsible for the murder of a farmhand and for his cruel imprisonment in the asylum.
3.5 比較成功的商業片 總體還不錯 足夠合理的內在矛盾和外在沖突使故事的戲劇性極強 虐戀的感覺有了 也就是說足夠好看然而或許是懸疑破案和感情戲的比重不夠合理 感情描繪又不夠細膩 所以會讓人懷疑他真的那么愛他么?他怎么就那么愛了呢?但是最后那句 我會去找你 還是讓人有些惋惜