Ksyusha hardly remembers her father: he disappeared when she was still little. And now, 10 years later, his icy body is found in the mountains. Incredibly, he is showing signs of life, even though he is in a coma. In this state, he is brought home. Ksyusha's mother remarried a long time ago, and the return of the former owner destroys the quiet life of the family: inexplicable ...
鄭仁仙是不是火了 竟然能跟大叔合作 劇荒的時候看的 如果有其他選擇 肯定不看 太平淡了 刻意的部分很多 不是很自然 導演沒把大叔拍帥!花絮里好看多了 仁仙怎么沒以前好看了 感覺太瘦了 推薦你們看赤膊消防員 演技炸裂 姜其永分到的角色不錯 表現的也很出彩 甚至覺得學生家長這個角色釋放出來的能量都有點蓋過主角了 他的角色比較活絡 主角相對呆板 感覺還是人設問題 大叔的角色太木訥了 沒有發揮空間